Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Prenatal Development

Pretend you are a fetus/baby inside a mother’s womb. The mother is considering doing abortion. Write her a letter convincing her that you are a human being developing contrary to what she and other pro-abortionist are thinking. Describe to her the development that has already taken place. Reflect on what you learned on pre-natal development.*Convince your mother to value and support your life.

 It was just a  three months that I existed inside your womb. I had undergone the germinal stage and the embryonic stage. I had already develop my organs, my cells had been develop from the endoderm , ectoderm, and mesoderm. I am now in the stage of fetal being fetus. Mom, I entered in this world have a purpose. Please Mom, if ever you may feel pain,burden because we same air,food and heart that we use to live. We are still in one body. If you will abort me, I encourage you Mom don't do it. It's very sinful to kill a one person especially to me, your daughter So, don't take any medecine that will affect my development. Instead you take it any alcoholic or smoking learn to love me, accept that you are so Blessed because I exist in this world to live with you Mom and we can make a happy memories until the end of our breathing.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Applying the Theory of Moral Development by Lawrence Kohlberge to a Movie or TV Shows
Written and Directed by Garth Jennings

Dapper Koala Buster Moon presides over a once-grand theater that has fallen on hard times. An eternal optimist, and a bit of a scoundrel, he loves his theater above all and will do anything to preserve it. Facing the crumbling of his life's ambition, he takes one final chance to restore his fading jewel to its former glory by producing the world's greatest singing competition. Five contestants emerge: a mouse, a timid elephant, a pig, a gorilla and a punk-rock porcupine.

Dapper Koala Buster Moon

Buster Moon is down on his luck. The bank is on the verge of repossessing his father’s theater, his staff is claiming to be underpaid, and the theater itself is kinda old. Trying to figure out a way to get things back on track, he decides to do a singing competition to try and bring the crowds back out.
The original prize is labeled $1,000, but thanks to an error by his lizard secretary Mrs. Crawley, it gets out that the prize is $100,000. People line up, including a few hopefuls with stories of their own. Rosita, a mother pig of 25 piglets hoping to sing again after stopping her singing career in favor of raising a family. Mike, is a self-centered gambler who has a Sinatra-style crooner voice.
Then there’s Ash, a Porcupine rock singer trying to make it, along with her boyfriend. Johnny ,is a gorilla who’s father is a master criminal, and wants to try and step out of his shadow. Finally, Meena,  is a shy elephant who wants to sing, but suffers from a major case of stage fright.
One of the main messages of “Sing” is not to let fear stop us from reaching our potential. Meena learns to overcome her fears, and toward the end of the film, Buster reveals he is fearful of the future and doesn’t want to go for it anymore.
the movie reinforces the idea of how money and materialism should not be a guiding force in what we do for a living. With the exception of Mike, the entire cast of the singing show comes to realize that the competition is much more than just the prize. It’s for showing their talent and for the sheer joy of doing it. Buster even says, “It’s not for the prize, they are singing for them.”After Buster hits a rough spot, and his error is revealed, his own cast comes to check on him and to figure out what they can do to help him get back on his feet. Meena even makes him a cake to cheer him up.Eddie, is a true friend to Buster. He willingly sets aside his own personal plans to help Buster when he is in need. In the meantime, he also isn’t afraid of expressing honesty to Buster’s crazy-ish plans. And in the midst of the craziness, he makes time for him and sticks by him. This page is the property of the Christian Answers Network (ChristianAnswers.Net), a ministry of Films for Christ. Copyright © Films for Christ • Reproduction/Publication • E-mail us • Mailing address: PO Box 1167, Marysville WA 98270-1167, USA • Spotlight’s direct URL: ChristianSpotlight.com

The movie of Sing.2016. Showed that their action emphasized the Pre-Conventional Level stage of the Theory of Moral Development by Lawrence Kohlberg. It is because their actions show that express their talent even they feel fear.
Punishment/Obedience, from this movie had show that they are afraid to be punish by law that why they had to lie  that they prepared the presentation in stage and Mr.Moon pretending that the prize is $100,000 but the truth is $1,000 to not discourage and disappointed the contestant for continually the theatre show.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Socio-Cultural Theory

· As a child recall a skill that you wanted to learn and eventually learned well through the help of another person.
-In my young age the things that I want to learn is riding a bike that I made with the courage of my friends until the time I made it success, I feel so happy because I do what I want.
· What made you interested to learn the skill?
-That time, I insecure to my friends that they ride a bike when we play every weekend.
· Who taught or assissted you?
-With the help of my friends I made and take balance while I ride the bike.
· Describe how you went about learning the skill. Describe what step or actions the person did in order to help you learn.
-At first, it's not easy to take the balancing but I willing to learn with the cheer up of my friends and every weekend we spend time to play especially to riding a bike.

                  SKILL I WANT TO SHARE

· Choose a skill you are good in.
- A skill that I am good in is sketching.
· Identify an individual to whom you can teach that skill. Somebody who will benefit from scaffolfding.
-I think I wanted to teach young or children because I know that it can help them to become interested about art.
·  Break down the steps you will take in teaching the skill.
- If I were to teach them in how to sketch.First let us prepare the materials we needed.  Think what things we inspires that gives happiest or I give a interested short story related by thier experiences and ask what they have noticed and lesson they get.
· Determine how you will use scaffolding. Describe the specific actions you will do to scaffold.
- If I will teach them how to sketch, I will give my opinion what lesson that I get in the short story. After that, I will give them time to think what they learn about the story then focus thier own paper to imagine like the techniques I use. At first I imagine the image that I want to sketch to help them how's start to sketch.
·  Teach the scaffolding to the individual.
·  Describe how the learning activity went.
-At first, I know that every individual have a different interest but I would like to say that it is important to know how draw or sketch especially the young or children because I believe it help them to have a freedom through the art they can express their own feelings that they can express in public. As a person I wanted to share my skill's, have a patient to teach them to become a better individual artist.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Unit 1.Learner-Centered Psychological Principles

From this Module on Learner-Centered Psychological Principles, I realize that as a future teacher is not easy to bw a effective teacher because every individual learner have a different heredity,experiences,perspectives,backgrounds,talents,interest,capacities and needs that we should need to know that to make a strategies how can start to teach them related to their situation, who already are. I know is not essay to handle them in a short-time to make a relationship but when we have a patiently to teach them we will be a successful and to be a creative teacher,that creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value. You must be think what activities that it connects to the learners.And the 14 principles of Learner-Centered Principle is important to know that we can use or apply when we are teaching, I have realized that every topic in this subject is very important, so that we need to study hard for it. For us to make our job in the future not so hard. And as a future teacher I want to apply this 14 LCP to make a strategy effective to teach student and I expected this strategies they will learn many things from me. And this principles can be a guide for us when we construct our teaching as it can help us to give reason why we do such learning because every individual learner have a different curiosity about things around them that we need to concept a powerful motivation for their learning and related to their own knowledge to fit what atr their questioning in their mind through us they gathered more information and learn in many things.
Brofenbrenner's Ecological System Theory


              In this stage, I can say that my family involves a lot in my development being child. They let me feel that I am important and they loved me which helped me to grow as a good person.

              In this stage, I develop how to socialize others like my friends,cousins that everytime we talk there's a lessons I adopt, we can sharing are thoughts,feelings. For me, I am comfortable to share my feelings to them than my own parents. At that time, I developed how participate in every what we want to do.


             This is through environment what I can see,hear to others where possible help to my development as a person.And also, this stage I first time to entered school should be able to study to peak up a lessons, improve my skills and cultivate my knowledge being a child. And have enough knowledge about everything that I need to know through the education level help us to growth as individual to become a professional someday and this generation there's a lot of technologies they invented help us gather informations to enchance our knowledge.


            Until the time I was in high school level, it is new environment that very influencial to developed our personalities. In this stage , I developed my how to make a decission in a proper things that I help myself because it isn't good to know the bad or good things but Im not saying that I am a perfect person just saying that live it in a good way. Also this stage I adaptability about the rules and regulations as human.


          In this stage, it shows how I'd become today. By the helped of other I stand a better person than in child stage. I adopted good values and knowledge through them either positive or negative feedback in what I want to do and be opened in front of them.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Module 3: Issues on Human Development

For me, I am a product of both heridity and environment as I believe that our development begins inside the house where we first taugth how to speak and every one individual can affect his/her development by the influence of other people like friends,society that we mold are character who we are.Just like my personal development I improve my self-knowledge and identity,talents and potential, build a relationship those people around me and to focus my own peroformance and develop my own carier even sometimes I fail to achieve my goal because of lack effort, time or incapability of focusing on my goal but all that failures, I develop to being a good and wiser person. And this time, Im looking forward to find out opportunity to create a better life mentally,phsycally and spiritually with them to do the important things.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Module 2:The Stages of Development and Development Tasks

1. Early childhood for this stage I had a lot of experience aspects that were expected. At two years old, I was able to jump,hop, throw and catch with my upper body and at 4yrs old I was able to count a numbers preparation for primary school. This stage,are highly influenced by the environment and the people that surround them. And this stages have a lot of questioning in our mind base in my experience, I curiosity in many things that I handle and the way to development our relationship to other people and we spend a large period of time with playing games of the same sex between four to five years old. and the middle childhood, I was very good  at understand whatever they said to me and by knowing the bad or good works. And also, participating to do the activities like schoolworks and learning to read and read .And late childhood us to develop our confidence in all areas of life  such as through friends,schoolwork and sports to improve our skills through the people surround me there's a lot of things that I learned how to socialze,interact with them and also I develop to look out my own interest. I remember when I was in this age between my brother we were always argued about anything like when we watch television about the channel we like. At this moment I smile because I experience this.

2.Adolescene, is a time of go through puberty and mature mentaly and physically. Being adolescene we wanted to making a fun moments, the other people they believe when you are in adolsecene is a time to rebel and to have fun but for me as a adolescene I set my own limitation and honestly sometime I think I wanted to become a more independently but I fear being totally independent. And I've always had a good strong relatiomship with my parents and this time being a child and adolescene I look forward to the future of being an adult and being able to support my family.

Module 1 Human Development:
Meaning, Concepts and Approaches

From this module, I realized that in a human development I learned that have a 5 charateristics of human development. Even you in the stage in adulthood, your developing to become a matured is continually develop. And every person has a different personality and some personalities much better than others and have a free will to do what ever they choose to improve potential because of his/her willingness to learn in a development is plastic it include there's no one is too old to learn, people have the right to do whatever they please whether it is moral or not and they desire the consecquences of their actions. And includes all aspects of human growth,including physucal,emotional,intellectual, social and personal development is we can adopt a lesson through our environment or by influence of other people through their words.

Unit 1.Learner-Centered Psychological Principles

From this Module on Learner-Centered Psychological Principles, I realize that as a future teacher is not easy to bw a effective teacher because every individual learner have a different heredity,experiences,perspectives,backgrounds,talents,interest,capacities and needs that we should need to know that to make a strategies how can start to teach them related to their situation, who already are. I know is not essay to handle them in a short-time to make a relationship but when we have a patiently to teach them we will be a successful and to be a creative teacher,that creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value. You must be think what activities that it connects to the learners.And the 14 principles of Learner-Centered Principle is important to know that we can use or apply when we are teaching, I have realized that every topic in this subject is very important, so that we need to study hard for it. For us to make our job in the future not so hard. And as a future teacher I want to apply this 14 LCP to make a strategy effective to teach student and I expected this strategies they will learn many things from me. And this principles can be a guide for us when we construct our teaching as it can help us to give reason why we do such learning because every individual learner have a different curiosity about things around them that we need to concept a powerful motivation for their learning and related to their own knowledge to fit what atr their questioning in their mind through us they gathered more information and learn in many things.